Thursday, August 27, 2015

Advancing Health Informatics in the Philippines

In a funny coincidence, I was having problems accessing the internet the whole week doing this. I'm not sure if it was the rainy weather or just our service provider being consistently inconsistent - which is somewhat related to this topic.

How can we advance health informatics in the Philippines? This is the guiding question for this week. To understand what needs to be done, we have to know what has been done. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to go on. Sources are scarce, and many of them are outdated.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Health Informatics Important?

We live in an age where information is very important. With the creation and development of the computer and the internet, information has become easily available. With this in mind, how can this technology be used in the health sector? What is the relevance of health informatics in the realms of eHealth and global health?

To do this, we have to understand what each of these concepts mean, and how they relate to one another.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Hello world!

This is my blog. While this is made as a requirement for my Health Informatics 201 class; I also want to add posts on my other interests, like video games, toy collecting, and other things.

And so, here I go!