Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Health Informatics Important?

We live in an age where information is very important. With the creation and development of the computer and the internet, information has become easily available. With this in mind, how can this technology be used in the health sector? What is the relevance of health informatics in the realms of eHealth and global health?

To do this, we have to understand what each of these concepts mean, and how they relate to one another.

Health informatics focuses on studying, developing, and applying theories and processes for generating storing, retrieving and sharing biomedical data, information, and knowledge through the use of behavioural science and computing, communication, and information technology. It also taps into behavioural science to understand populations, influencing changes in economic, ethical, social, educational, and organisational systems in health.

eHealth also known as electronic health or e-health is a relatively new concept that still does not have an established definition. It is sometimes used interchangeably with health informatics. It can be noted however, that most definitions involve health (specifically health care) and technology. Various definitions include the individuals that use eHealth - patients, healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc.) and educators, businesspeople, and health administrators. Each of these individuals make decisions in health care. eHealth is associated to communication between these different individuals and amongst themselves to improve the efficiency and quality of health care. With present focus on evidence-based medicine, information and communication is vital in the decision-making process. This is where health informatics comes in - to make information easy to record and find, to make communication rapid and accessible.

Global health is a shift from the old views of public health and international health. While public health emphasises on small groups and populations and international health on developing countries, global health aims for equity of health for all people. This is achieved through dealing with common health issues in developing and developed countries alike such as infection, malnutrition, maternal and child health, chronic disease, and injury. In order to do this, it promotes collaboration between the various individuals and organisations associated with the health sector, including the individuals that use eHealth. Thus, global health taps into communicational and information technology, as well as the behavioural science aspect of health informatics.

With this in mind, I can say that health informatics is important in the development of eHealth and global health. It provides solutions to solve their common end goal - to improve healthcare. This is my first step in understanding and appreciating health informatics as a profession.


1. American Medical Informatics Association. What is Bioinformatics?
2. Koplan J, et al. Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet 2009;373:1993-1995.
3. Oh H et al. What is eHealth(3): A systematic review of published definitions. J Med Internet Res 2005 Jan-Mar;7(1):e1

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